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Let R.O.M.E Training help you

Schedule your FREE intake Probe and 30 – minute session with submitting
your email for a Date & Time.


There’s no question that the challenges facing individuals and businesses today are fiercer than ever before. Working to achieve improved results by identifying roadblocks and coming up with strategic solutions to overcome them.

Executive Coaching Thinking Partner

For any individual or organization to achieve maximum levels of productivity and success, each and every individual must take responsibility for their part in the process.

Collaborative Relationship

Building Collaborative Relationships—as opposed to competitive ones—is a powerful ability that sets successful leaders apart. A true leader understands .

Case Study

In my opinion no two stories are the same, they may sound similar but the paths and roads traveled are different in most cases. The seeds that were planted long ago has impacted my life in so many ways.

Mastering Leadership

Leaders naturally demonstrate a heart and mind balance within themselves. This balance benefits their associates


Drawing on Jeff’s extensive background on company ownership and personal human behavior if individuals and business people were to implement certain strategies, they would resolve individual and organizational cultural paradoxes that otherwise lead to internal conflict and blocked initiative.


Jeff Newman

Business Executive & Personal Coach Strategist.


Jeff Newman is dedicated to improving the lives of individuals and families affected by mental illness.

My practice, R.O.M.E Training was founded in 2016 with the “Purpose” and “WHY” to help all people to unburden themselves and let go of their troubled minds to stop the myth that “ People with a mental health Illness cannot live loving, joyous, fruitful, abundant and fulfilled lives”.


Let R.O.M.E Training help you

Schedule your FREE intake Probe and 30 – minute session with submitting
your email for a Date & Time.